Thursday, August 9, 2012

Business Consulting | A few decades ago to remember when ...

The bad news is that as soon as a theme in the media is popular, people have to see a trend as the next Administration flavor of the month. In other words, they feel it solution, rather than a long-term change in the way as a quick fix, like, who do business.

There are a lot of people talk about innovation in these days, myself included.

Think of a few decades, if everyone on the continuous improvement train caught on? Very fast began companies in all shapes and sizes, implementation of six sigma, lean manufacturing and other types of process improvement programs. Many had no idea what they were doing or worked hard, one without link to the overall strategy and success. And most had very unrealistic schedules and expectations for the results they hope to achieve.

It surprised, could not the continuous improvement movement each night produce success. Those who invested the time and effort in carrying out continuous improvement a way of life still dividends harvest.

To be successful, an integral part of doing business as you need it. Innovation requires thinking that all systems and management must underlie the process behavior in an organization. Create ongoing innovation in an organization must as a long-term process, especially if you are used to respond to change, rather than to create it. Innovation requires above all a corporate culture that nourishes and supports them as a way of life, not as a short-term patch for the current problems in the company.

To create a culture that promotes rather than inhibits innovation:

Create a powerful context

The strategic planning process begins with define, looks what profit for your company. Creating a culture that promotes innovation begins the same way. Start with the statement why innovation is important and how it helps to win your business. Painting a picture of what your organization look like, if innovation is a way of life and how all key stakeholders benefit. Help people who think differently

We are not to the slowed down just a little options check, balance to find the big picture with the details or new data. As adults, we are not naturally prone to constantly test and update our mental models about our world, our customers, our colleagues and our Organization. Most of us need to learn important new skills tools and support for them. Make sure that your business success by providing the necessary support in the form of meetings, tools and techniques help people who think differently.

Linking individual efforts, the big picture

Not only that employees need to understand why the innovation for the Organization of crucial importance is, must also understand it, such as the work that it fits into the entire effort. Build and promote diversity

Ask questions like: we develop teams with different skills and analytical styles? We accommodate all styles in meetings and conversation, or we prefer a style over the others? As an organization, we appreciate controversy, debate and tension or rush we constantly to the consensus? Conversely, we do stuck in the analysis paralysis and decisions out of fear, to prevent errors?

Use supporting language and behavior

Many organizations have built-in language patterns and practices that support no innovation. Shoot seemingly harmless phrases like do not worry, we have already tried the or nice idea, but management is never for can go any good ideas that arise immediately. Instead, use the language that encourages bring up staff ideas and remain open to new possibilities. Not tolerate, gossiping, politicking or ridicule new ideas, no matter how far fetched. When people express their ideas and opinions not sure feeling, innovation will never happen.

Recognise and reward innovation

It is one of the oldest axioms of human nature ? people repeat behaviors, which you for rewards. Leadership in your organization has employees give continuous feedback about the results of their efforts? Acknowledge the efforts of the individual privately? Can you spot them publicly? Communicate your commitment to innovation at all levels of the Organization constantly? Most importantly, do demonstrate this commitment by your actions and behaviors, as well as the words that you say?

Talking about innovation is good. Put it in your organization to work is even better. For best results, innovation to link to your strategy and think ongoing innovation as a long-term process, not to create a short-term goal.


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