Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Iowa Road Trip ? Day 3 ? christatothemax

Our last day in Iowa was met with the BIG EVENT.

It started with Patrick and I waking early, or as early as we could get ourselves out of bed. We showered and dressed quite quickly, and then packed up the hotel. The check out process went smoothly, and there were no surprises. After packing into the car, we were ready for the day! ?We headed over to my dad?s house to hang out with some family and possibly help with some?baby shower?preparation. We ended up having a few tasks to do, mostly to keep us busy while we waited (my sister really didn?t need our help, but she was kind enough to allow us to bother her a bit). I cut up some fondant and veggies while Patrick entertained the kids.?It didn?t take long until we were leaving dad?s and taking my sister to our mom?s house for more preparation. We dropped off some items for mom to keep in the house, it was blazing hot and the cupcakes would melt if they didn?t get some?air conditioning.?After chatting a bit, and my sister completing a couple of tasks, we were on the road again. This time heading for the baby shower location.

We were a little late in the set up, and my mom was running pretty darn late (guests had already arrived and we still weren?t set up as she had quite a few of the items). No worries though, we kept ourselves busy with chatting it up with friends.?I can?t even begin to tell you the order in which everyone arrived, or even how many people were there at any given time ? I was surrounded in friends and family.?When it came time to open gifts (you?ll hear more about this in a different post), Patrick and I were facing a huge group of people who were facing us. I opened each one, handing them to Patrick to check out, while my sister wrote them down. I didn?t realize how?embarrassing?having that many people watch your reactions and expressions, and listening to your thoughts would be. But, in the end I was able to go back to one-on-one/small group sessions with family and friends and I was able to relax once again.

My sister had designed an entirely NES baby shower, knowing that our playroom was based on this theme. It was pretty darn awesome! We had all kinds of food, drinks, and decorations for the Super Mario Bros., Duck Hunt, The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Rampage, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Donkey Kong NES games. I have yet to see a single picture of the event, but I?m told there were a lot ? and I know there was a ?dress-up? area in which guests dressed up like different characters. I?m quite excited to see those! We got to keep quite a few of the decorations, and they have made our playroom even more NES themed with the piranha plant, mushrooms, potion bottles,?question?mark boxes, and even a palm tree!

We headed out-of-town and towards home?immediately following the baby shower, making a quick stop for gas at Casey?s (where I grabbed a slice of pizza and a few drinks), and then away we were! We stopped at the I-8O truck stop for gas and dinner, and off we went! I fell fast asleep for the majority of the last part of the trip. I can?t remember when we got home, but the next morning I woke up in bed. :)

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